Main Page

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Welcome to Ideasplace

Ideasplace is a space for posting useful information for people who make stuff, either for fun or for work (or both).

It contains some links to manufacturers, suppliers and pages of information that might be be helpful.

We hope that the content here is useful to you, if you are happy (or not so much), please let us know on, we would love to hear from you but please be nice!

If you have something that you would like posted please email or join to add to the lists.

Pages of useful or interesting links

  • Suppliers - Companies and organisations that sell stuff
  • Manufacturers - Companies and organisations that make stuff (and OEM)
  • Information - Sites and channels that have information useful to makers (Enthusiast and Commercial)
  • Training - Sites and channels that contain courses or tutorials (Commercial and Enthusiast)

Pages of useful or interesting information

  • Nothing here yet - to be made

Our site is not sponsored or externally funded, this is purely a non-profit enthusiast site that was founded on the basis of sharing and collaboration so please join and contribute

Apart from use within the software maintaining the site, we don't manage mailing lists or spam, we don't look at what you are doing, we are too busy with our own stuff and that is not what this is about.

All rights reserved by their respective copyright holders, this site is for informational and educational purposes only and is a non for profit site run on personal webspace.

If you would like something removed please let us know on remove
