Ideasplace:Privacy policy

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We are not a huge organisation with lawyers and advisors so in my limited way I'll try to put into words a summary:

Don't be a idiot where other people's personal information is concerned. If you have the right to post here, don't abuse that privilege by posting something that would damage the reputation of the site or its people.

Don't post personal information about anyone.

The links here should be for organisations and individual's public information that they provide for open viewing. If you are privy to other information, keep it to yourself.

this includes but is not limited to:

  • Real Names
  • Addresses and locations
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Private websites
  • Financial information
  • Employment information
  • Tax or government information
  • and any other information that someone could use to identify or exploit another for personal gain.

I think that about covers most of it.

Basically the "Don't be a dick". policy